The metal sugar-rush queen delivers a thrill ride
Lina Molloholli
12:47 18th February 2022

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Essex-born singer-songwriter Cassyette is a breath of fresh air in the ‘punk meets modern-day electronic pop’ music scene, and the last couple of years have treated her remarkably well with the release of a string of highly-praised singles. With almost an album worth of releases under her belt, it was only time the fiery Cassyette steps out on the road as well.

Having supported the likes of WILLOW and Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes (at the Download Pilot show) in the past, she’s no stranger to the big stage, although tonight is a modest one in North West London. The anticipation, however, is palpable as people trickle in, and Camden Underworld’s sold-out capacity slowly fills out. Neon pink and green mohawks, studded chokers, bondage pants, massive boots and chain wallets surround the majority (if not all) of the crowd, assuring me I'm in the right place.

Following a fiery performance from hyper-pop newcomer Bambie Thug and without any further ado, Cassyette storms the stage and breaks out into the yet-to-be-officially-released, energisingly bold opener ‘Like That’. Thanks to her husky, compelling voice, she effortlessly embodies the '80s rock star spirit we first encountered three years ago. Charming the crowd through every wild howl and every whisper, the rising icon enthrals through her unhinged vocals, flaring guitars and fiery ebullience as she brings to life her most anticipated singles ‘Dear Goth’, ‘Petrichor’ and ‘Behind Closed Doors’.

The punk-pop artist has proven she isn’t the shy type when it comes to sharing her personal experiences, as she loops listeners into her inner turmoil. Whether that is to rival in taking back your power on fiery ‘Prison Purse’ or crooning over a lost loved one on heartfelt ‘Mayhem’, there is some sort of rage for everyone to indulge in. From the gravity-defying leg kicks and spins to swinging T-shirts and mosh pits, there's always something to consistently captivate your interest, even whilst performing unreleased songs ‘Take Take Take’, ‘Dead Roses’ and ‘September Rain’.

Although the night is only in for a thirty-minute performance, it's a sweet and short thrill ride of an escape that manages to leave everyone lusting for more and anticipating what the near future of the ever-rising metal sugar-rush queen Cassyette may bring.

Cassyette played:

Like That
Dear Goth
Behind Closed Doors
September Rain
Dead Roses
Take Take Take
Prison Purse

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Photo: Lina Molloholli