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by Emily Warner

Tags: Death From Above 1979 

Friday 27/05/05 Death From Above 1979 @ Koko, London



Friday 27/05/05 Death From Above 1979 @ Koko, London Photo:

From behind the stage curtain out streaks one half of Death From Above 1979; as he grabs his bass the second half follows suit and together they rip into a full on fury of pounding beats and searing riffs as the crowd surges and screams in time to this opener.

Death From Above 1979 boast an unusual set-up, this Canadian duo ain’t no White Stripes spin off- using just drums, bass and keyboards they throw out a sound that makes your ears bleed.
As they smash on harder and faster the crowd now rammed up against the barriers are whipped into a frenzied mass, whilst the two figures thrash around on stage amid shreds of light and sound. They command their set in this way throughout the gig - each number ending in a torrent of applause which challenges the level of sound produced by the band, but it reaches ear-splitting levels when the opening riff to ‘Romantic Rights’ blares outta the amps like the amplified sound of thousands of fingernails on a black board. This one is a highlight of the night with its heavy and heady vocals possessing a snakelike quality that holds the crowd prey to the music. The other blinder of the set is ‘Do It 93’ where the bassist performs a musical ménage-a-trois, making use of the keyboard - managing to hit the keys and play his bass one handed - clearly a man of many talents!
Much to the disappointment of Koko’s crowd, Death From Above 1979 finish their set all too soon leaving everyone within a 10 mile radius with a splitting head and bleeding ears. They leave the stage only to walk back on for an encore which they play with as much energy as their opening number - how this is humanly possible no one will ever know, but there’s one thing the crowd will carry home Death From Above 1979 make one hell of a racket for two guys.
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