by Andrew Trendell | Photos by

Tags: Foals

Foals @ Queen's Social Club, Sheffield, 28/11/12

Live: Foals kick off their UK tour in style - with men playing Bingo next door


Foals @ Queen's Social Club, Sheffield, 28/11/12


"It's been a while," squawks a wide-eyed Yannis Philippakis to the elation of a few hundred lucky Northerners. There are old men playing bingo in the room next door. The hallowed tiny stage and glitter curtain at the Queen's Social Club are written in folklore for seeing some of the noisiest and sweatiest gigs in this small corner of the world, but few with as much anticipation as this.

It's Foals' first proper UK gig of 2012, and they waste no time in tearing a hole in Sheffield in a manner that only they can.

Opening with the tight-math-jam of 'Pavlov' from the upcoming Holy Fire, it becomes immediately clear that Foals have finally grown a pair. Their intricate noodlings have at last been given the beef and sheer volume that they've always cried out for.

Not that Foals have ever lacked a sense of scale, as proven by the feral reception of the monolithic 'Total Life Forever' and a 100mph run-through of 'Balloons'.

Having debuted 'My Number' on Later with Jools Holland a few weeks ago, it's become a firm fan favourite already, memorised by the whole room as they unite its Gwen Stefani-esque bounce and playful bass.

'After Glow' may be Foals' finest song. There, I said it. Deal with it. It's slow build and explosive release shake the foundations of this humble old-man pub - I daresay a few dominoes were toppled next door. But the biggest surprise is yet to come. “This one's a bit psycho-Billy” laughs Yannis before launching into the Tex-Mex fury of riff-fuelled new track 'Cleaver'.

Returning for an encore of the fittingly claustrophic 'French Open' and pummeling menace of single-of-the-year 'Inhaler', Yannis scales the amp before diving into a sea of adoring Yorkshire madmen – as if to prove that the small stage can't can't contain them. Will the Royal Albert Hall be big enough for what Foals' reinvigorated potential? Who knows?

Spitting into the crowd and eyeing up the future, Foals are set to conquer at last. May 2013 belong to them.

Foals played:

2.Total Life Forever
4.My Number
5.Olympic Airways
6.Miami 7.After Glow
8.Red Socks Pugie
9.Spanish Sahara

11.The French Open
13.Two Steps, Twice


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