by Rochelle Owusu-Antwi | Photos by

Tags: Imagine Dragons

Imagine Dragons @ Islington Mill, Manchester, 26/08/2013

Las Vegas band play secret gig for Vevo in Manchester


Imagine Dragons @ Islington Mill, Manchester, 26/08/2013



There was a real buzz in the air at Imagine Dragons' secret Manchester gig, the band fresh from their Reading and Leeds debut. The bare and bleak Islington Mill provided the perfect setting for the grungy rock four piece to perform to no more than a hundred competition winners. From the moment frontman Dan Reynolds sung it was sincere, dynamic and you believed every lyric from the offset.

Addressing their humble beginnings Reynolds reminisced their playing at small venues - a contrast to their recent sold-out shows and how it felt good to be intimately performing again. Professing his love for their British fanbase he launched into an energetic set.

Every member threw themselves in 100% giving what felt like the show of their lives, despite the rising venue temperature. A rumbling intro showcased the instrumentals that have catapulted the band onto the scene and firmly placed them there.

Bass drum percussion shook the whole room as they built up louder and faster to a crescendo prompting the audience to clap manically as the electric guitar and synths of Tip Toe hit. Highlights were the soaring On Top of The World to which the band had the audience shouting along word-perfect leaving Reynolds in euphoria, as did Demons and the plinky uplifting It’s Time. Rocks was also a standout encompassing carnival-esque beats getting everyone moving rhythmically.

The dimly lit room but well lit stage illuminated four passionate lads mesmerised and lost in a musical daze: very much like their fans. Maintaining a connection throughout they made the crowd feel part of something special.

A smartphone ban at the start made proceedings even more unique as everyone truly focused on enjoying the show for what it was and not distracted by capturing it. Ending with their most well known track Radioactive the dubstep thuds and infectiously catchy chant was built up so epically before the huge drop, bodies could do nothing but crash along involuntarily, independently of brains.

The half hour set felt like a jam packed yet quick whirlwind of skill and heartfelt artistry. From whatever emotionally charged origins Imagine Dragons’ material was born you more than felt it in that room.

Imagine Dragons played:

Tip Toe
It's Time
On Top Of the World


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