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Beach House- 'Beach House' (Bella Union) Released 30/07/07

they transcend any boundaries you might expect having just two members could create...

August 15, 2007 by Vicky Eacott
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Beach House is a boy-girl duo from Baltimore, consisting of friends Alex Scally and Victoria Legrand – the niece of French composer Michel Legrand. As a band they transcend any boundaries you might expect having just two members could create, producing an all immersing sound that threads together creaking organ, vibraphone and slide guitar. Often their songs will start simply, quite minimally but they build it up to a wall of sound type effect. They call to mind a great tradition of artists that goes back to Velvet Underground and Nico, managing to capture the hazy early hour vibe with dark leftfield pop songs and noir lyrics. The album feels laid back and understated but at the same time it’s still wonderfully affecting. These songs quietly shine - amidst the hush it’s the melodies and vocals that sparkle.

Indeed Victoria Legrand’s vocals have a hypnotic quality which lies central to the subtly addictive quality of the songs here. She draws you in from the first moment you hear her singing so heavy with emotion “I love you all the time/Even though you’re not mine” in the opening track, ‘Saltwater’ and she retains your attention throughout. On ‘Apple Orchard’, a heartbreaking piece of music, her vocals sweep and sigh dreamily whilst the tune sways lazily, swathed in slide guitar. The tracks which follow it are similarly beautiful and atmospheric; ‘Master Of None’ and ‘Auburn And Ivory’ are both highlights. ‘Childhood’ meanwhile is features a music hall piano part and simple drum machine beat whilst the vocals deliver the lovelorn lyrics - that reminisce sweetly of darker times past - with a cool magnificence.

You could imagine these songs soundtracking a film. It would most likely be an oddball indie romcom: the type where two troubled antiheroes embark on an hour and half journey of unrequited love. Camera shots would mostly be extreme wide shots, showing desolate landscapes and lonely figures. You get the picture.

In all it’s a very special release and a fine debut from Beach House. Like label mates Howling Bells this is the sort of music to bring warmth on chilly autumn days under greying skies.

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