- by David Renshaw
- Sunday, July 05, 2009
The Dead Weather - 'Horehound' (Columbia) Released 13/07/09

Jack White is one of the most prolific men in rock and here he returns with another side project. Joining forces with Dean Fertita and Jack Lawrence the trio form a backdrop for The Kills Alison Mosshart to play out to. Written and recorded in Nashville, Tennessee, ‘Horehound’ drips with a smokey authenticity and steel from Mosshart’s yearning and jagged vocals to the reliably vintage guitars that fuzz and distort throughout. Say what you will about Jack White being anachronistic he has a definitive sound and it works as a classy signature.
The furious and throbbing ‘Treat Me Like Your Mother’ is the first track that grabs attention, no surprise given that it switches tempo every thirty seconds and features huge synth riffs and a vocal tête-à-tête between White and Mosshart seeing the pair come together to chant “M-A-N-I-P-U-Late”. Glorious and angry ‘Treat Me Like Your Mother’ shines above all else on ‘Horehound’. Elsewhere ‘I Cut You Like A Buffalo’ recreated a similar foot tapping pace whilst ‘Hang You Up From The Heavens’ sees Mosshart contact her inner deviant to talk of wanting to “Grab your by the hair and drag you to the devil” over a grimy blues explosion- devastating stuff. Jack White appears like a flash of lightning amidst the storm on ‘Horehound’ emerging from the thunder and rumbles to illuminate and already impressive sound. With an unmistakable voice and hi-hat heavy drumming he provides the flourishes and twirls to the album, however, it is Mosshart who provides the spine and the brawn. Sounding sultry and confident throughout The Kill’s front woman transfers the skills learnt from working with Jamie Hince and puts them alongside the more impressive and authentic White, kind of like she’s having an affair with a richer and more powerful man. It should be said though that The Dead Weather have not created anything that matches a single Kills or White Stripes album to date.
Ultimately the success of The Dead Weather and ‘Horehound’ hinges on your tolerance for Jack White. With his various projects appearing at a rate of knots unrivalled by his peers it’s only a matter of time before another band emerge and you can hazard a guess at what they’ll sound like too. Had ‘Horehound’ come before The Raconteurs then maybe it would be greeted differently. However, in 2009 an album featuring Jack White feels expected rather than treasured. He’s spreading himself a bit too thin and The Dead Weather could well be the switch off point.
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