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Thursday 09/11/06 Art Brut, Pink Grease, Untitled Music Project @ The Plug, Sheffield

Thursday 09/11/06 Art Brut, Pink Grease, Untitled Music Project @ The Plug, Sheffield
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  • Though Eddie Argos and co. are leaving a trail of Art Brut converts throughout Germany and the States that's so big it won't be long before they’re organising the cult mass wedding, tonight sees the band come home to conquer the masses that seem to not 'get it' -  the English. But first up Untitled Music Project, currently wagging some of the coolest tongues in London as a band destined for success, and if not success, then at least creating lots and lots of noise. And noise it is, apparently they want to inspire people to think "what the fuck?" when they play, and though Gigwise can generally say that happened, by the end of their five or six two minute bursts of bass and feedback that pay homage to the likes of Mclusky and Ikara Cult, the audience look as if everyone of them might have just shit themselves. In a good way.

    Next up Pink Grease, who seem to be in a never ending limbo of touring that wont stop until there headlining Live 8 and attending Elton Johns lawn parties, or not. Having actually managed to never attend a gig they've played, Gigwise is impressed tonight with what is something of a homecoming for the sextet, Rory Lewarne commands the stage like a healthy Gerard Way who chose self fulfilment instead of self harm, and manages to be much more 'rock' for it, they inspire the sort of devotion in the lovers that hasn't been seen since, erm, Art Brut.

    And without further ado they take the stage, descending from the backstage area amid a chorus of 'Art Brut! Top of the Pops!' which lasts until Eddie explains that it's not on anymore, and TOTP2 was better anyway. For a band sometimes said to be more about the message than the music, tonight it's the music that does the talking, the likes of 'Bad Weekend' or 'Emily Kane' managing to sound ever more ironic from Eddie's tender lips, whilst also dispersing the fear that with the loss of Chris Chinchilla (former founding Brut and guitarist) they won't be able to play. New single 'Nag, nag, nag, nag' gives a taste of what's to come, a(nother) tale of teen angst, but with added mixtapes and melody. The sets oh to short as always, no encore forthcoming. But now we can look to the future, because as Eddie says, "We formed a band", and we're very glad they did.

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