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Monday 16/05/05 John Legend, Estelle @ Shepherds Bush Empire, London

If John Legend’s name is not mentioned when talking about the inspiring artists of today then something must be wrong. The man symbolises talent in the flesh and it’s made even more obvious to the millions of fans who buy his records. The piano playing ability of the man from Ohio is something to be looked upon in awe, each key he graces with his passion controlled fingers ends with a sound fit for a King. His debut album ‘Get Lifted’ will take you back to the days when Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye were amazing us with their individual creativity and flair, but it still manages to maintain the musical charm that only John Legend can produce while sat at a piano.

Monday night was the second of two performances at London’s (most comfortable venue) Shepherds Bush Empire and judging by the telling buzz of the sold out crowd we were in for an incredible night of live music. John’s UK partner-in-crime Estelle was on hand to lend her support, her show opening performance was exactly what the crowd needed to warm up. Sporting a Mohican-style haircut, she was on point to deliver some of her more established records like ‘1980’ and ‘Go Gone’. Her stage presence is always apparent and the enjoyment she feels when performing is forever evident so it was no surprise that everyone in the building could be seen nodding their heads in appreciation.

After a short break so that John Legend’s piano could be moved in to place and his band positioned it was time for what was destined to be a great night to begin. Judging from the way he bopped on to the stage it was clear John Legend enjoys every little thing he does. He takes great pleasure in making people happy and everybody packed in to the Shepherds Bush Empire that night was happy beyond belief. Starting with a few of the more upbeat melodies from ‘Get Lifted’ it was hard to differentiate between the fans who were screaming with excitement and the ones who crying tears of delight, emotion was definitely reigning supreme. With a new single out June 6th and getting a lot of airplay at the moment ‘Ordinary People’ was a track the Shepherds Bush crowd were waiting for and when it came… WOW! Not only did he orchestrate the execution of the original version, he switched it up at one point and underlined it with a more hip-hop orientated beat. This version of the song has recently been seen floating around the internet so if you’re lucky enough you might be able to get a copy.

A duet with Estelle introduced a lot of John Legend fans to last year’s Best Newcomer at the Mobo Awards on a deeper level when their track ‘Hey Girl’ was received with open arms and ears, but the highlight of the evening however was when John sat us down and schooled us to the fact that he had been behind many tracks (by playing them on the piano) that we might not have known about. Tracks like Jay-Z’s ‘Encore’ and Slum Village’s ‘Selfish’ were initially created by him but it was Alicia Keys’ ‘You Don’t Know My Name’ that the audience least realised he was behind. All in all this was a performance that lived up to its hype, its promise to keep the audience entertained was kept and with a few celebrities in the house (Terri Walker and Garth Crooks to name a few) it was obvious everyone came to see what the future of soul music looked like.

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