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Charlotte Hatherley - 'Again'

Charlotte Hatherley - 'Again'
  • Add to My Fav Bands List More Ash
  • starstarno starno starno star

    Since Charlotte Hatherley parted ways with Ash in 2006, she’s been but a blip on the musical horizon, someone we vaguely recall but would be damned if we knew where from. One would assume that Hatherley’s latest effort would exhibit some of what made her a known member of the band with no desired sell by. Unfortunately, download only single ‘Again’ is weak willed; a fish in an overfilled tank, slowly advancing with basic rhythmic guitar strums, a few thumps somewhere to the left, and some vocals too waterlogged to break free of the waterline.

    Released 29/10/07 on Little Sister Recordings.

    • I dont agree with this review... the deep blue is an excellent album and each song from that album deserves 4 stars and over... Besides that Charlotte experimented a lot with this album... it doesn’t have to be something to do with Ash each time she returns... lets hope she’ll continue to release stuff that is more on this style... Besides that, I love her voice... it’s surely not waterlogged... The music is but that’s the concept of this album thats why its called deep b

      ~ by steve 11/4/2007

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