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Remi Nicole - 'Rock N Roll'

starstarstarstarno star

Aww Remi Nicole, we loves you! Not only do you rip off Alex Turner’s sing talk and awesome little Monkeys’ guitar rifts, but you mix it up with some serious sass (“because this baby got no back!”). The cute little popstrel currently sticking her fingers up at the industry comes in the form of a ‘girl next door’ feasting on Turner and Co’s couture; opening with a Jive Bunny interlude before blasting into a Monkeys' signature epiphany: "They said you’re not normal, why can’t you sing R n B; well I got no rhythm and I got no blues, I’m as happy as can be." Rip off? Blatantly! Infectious pop bleeding from your ears? Yes, but in a good way.

Released 12/11/07 on Island.

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