Results for "HMV"
HMV quits Republic of Ireland completely after failure to find buyer
16 stores and 300 jobs to go
Full list of 66 HMV stores closing is revealed
930 members of staff to lose their jobs as HMV scales back UK stores after going into administration
Frightened Rabbit meet fans, sign albums and perform intimate HMV gig
Band celebrate album release at Manchester HMV
HMV sells its shares in G-A-Y franchise back to original owner
Administrators call Jeremy Joseph the 'natural purchaser'
Up to 100 HMV stores set to close to keep the chain alive
1,500 jobs to be lost as part of shut down
Identity of disgruntled HMV tweeter revealed
Employee has received job offers since tweets
Full extent of HMV firing revealed, 190 staff lose jobs
Employees live tweeted the job losses
The big news of January 2013: Bowie, Timberlake, HMV and more
Is it over already? It's been a busy one...
HMV Twitter feed reveals 'live firing' of 60 employees
#hmvXFactorfiring hashtag used during tweets
Dragon's Den star Theo Paphitis interested in buying HMV?
TV star could snap up failing store
Hilco reportedly planning to keep up to half of HMV stores open
Record labels are considering a new deal
HMV stores could be turned into Tesco, Sainsburys or Morrisons
Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsburys showing interest