One of the highlights of Dolly Parton's Glastonbury set was the playing of the Benny Hill theme tune. Watch the video below.
In visiting an institution such as Glastonbury on Sunday (29 June), Parton chose to pay tribute another British institution, namely 'Yakety Sax', or as it's more commonly known, the Benny Hill theme tune. The result is perhaps one of the most surreal yet brilliant moments of the entire weekend.
Watch the video of Dolly Parton playing 'Yakety Sax' below
After the performance, many of the audience pointed out that the show looked like it was being mimed and to be honest with the above clip it's easy to see why. A rep for Parton has since denied that any miming went on, although whether it did or did not, you could say she's earnt the right. It all depends on your perspective.
Below: The 5 biggest winners of Glastonbury 2014