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by Adam Rosario

New Laser Turntable can play vinyls without scratching them

Laser Turntable costs $15,000


EIP Laser Turntable plays vinyls without harming them Photo:

A new laser vinyl turntable has gone on sale for the price of $15,000, which promises not to harm your vinyls whilst they play.

Record collectors have always faced the danger of scratching their vinyls when using a traditional turntable. EIP's new model uses a laser and says that the sound quality will be even higher due to the lack of distortion caused by the stylus.

The EIP Turntable uses patented technology to achieve a higher quality of fidelity. The laser is so precise, it's able to pick up audio information that has never been touched before, or data which has been damaged through wear and use. The laser turntable will even allow users to listen to warped and damaged vinyls, which stylus turntables are unable to do.

Check out a video from EIP showing how the turntable works below

For more information on the EIP Laser Turntable, visit here.

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