by Ben Butler Contributor | Photos by wenn / press

10 essential apps for festival season 2016

Get properly prepared for this years festival season


All the must-have mobile phone apps for every music festival in 2016 Photo: wenn/press

Before you dive head first into festival season, you might want to make sure you're equipped to cope with the hot weather, you know what your listening to, and that you know where your tent is.

So we're all probably happier using our phone's torch than an actual torch and our phone's camera than an actual camera, but you definitely don't have everything you need on your mobile device just yet to survive the festival season.

Keeping this in mind, here are ten of the must-own apps that will ensure you maximise your fun across some of the best days of the summer.

WaterIn - IOS, Android (Free)

So it's 3pm you've got some awful tan lines, pounded a few too many beers, and forgot to drink any water - and now you're going to miss the headliner because you've got sunstroke. WaterIn has only one aim, to prevent you getting dehydrated and ruining it all. Yeah it's something your Mum would tell you to get, but it will probably prove invaluable.

Available here: IOS / Android

BC Tent Finder - IOS, Android Alternative (Free)

Now this app has got us out of a spot of trouble more than enough times. Perfect for being able to locate your tent, your car, or perhaps more importantly - the bar, BC Tent Finder will make getting lost on site a thing of the past. And, crucially, the "Inbuilt compass allows you to navigate using GPS when there is no network coverage". This is a must-have without a doubt. Check out Festival Buddy for something similar for you Android users.

Available here: IOS

Battery HD - IOS, Android (Free)

Most mobile phone's fairly vague indiciations of battery usage often cause some annoying problems. Step in Battery HD+ for Iphones and Battery HD for Android. Displaying the amount of battery left for certain activities, like games, maps and more Battery HD+ will also alert you when your phone is fully charged. And, you can fine tune your battery health to ensure responses are accurate as ever. 

Available here: IOS / Android

Soundhound - IOS, Android (Free)

Just pipping Shazam to the music-recognition top-spot thanks to it's virtually unlimited free use, Soundhound is perfect for making sure you don't forget any song across your festival weekend. Funnily enough, you can also search by singing or humming into SoundHound, making it the only app in the world that can give you results through this method - although you will probably need a pretty decent rendition. Soundhound also gives you immediate Youtube playback of the full-track so you don't have to listen to a short preview. 

Available here: IOS / Android

AirBnb - IOS, Android (Free)

So you're too good for a tent? Or more likely, the festival your going to doesn't offer camping? Fear not. AirBnB makes travelling to cities easy, and relatively cheap. The app has a few negative ratings, due to the functionality for hosts, but if your simply looking for a place to stay AirBnb remains incredibly useful.

Available here: IOS, Android


Clashfinder - Mobile Browser (Free)

Not strictly an application in it's own right, nonetheless, it's essential that Clashfinder is on your homescreen, or at least bookmarked. Available for all major festivals, the app allows you to prioritise seeing acts, and to see when and where those tough decisions regarding clashes occur. Perfect for the OCD festival-goer like us at Gigwise, this fully-customisable, user-created website is a must-have, and you can even download or print out your festival diary. Bonus points if you laminate it.

Available here:

First Aid by British Red Cross - IOS, Android (Free)

Fingers crossed, nothing will go wrong on your festival travels this year, but if it does this first aid app is perfect to know what to do in an emergency. It features "videos, quizzes and simple advice" and includes "an instantly accessible emergency section, with step-by-step instructions". Definitely one to keep, even if you just get a bit of sunburn. 

Available here: IOS / Android

Dark Sky - IOS (£2.99), Android (Free)

Most people are probably pretty happy scanning BBC Weather or Accuweather for weather news, but Dark Sky for Iphones and Ipads is so aesthetically beautiful, and useful - it might be worth the couple of quid to keep you dry. And, having just arrived on Android for free, some lucky users will be presented with the insanely detailed weather report at no cost.

Available here: IOS / Android

Find My Friends - IOS, Android Alternative (Free)

There's always someone who just wanders off from the group, to everyone's annoyance. So rather than agreeing to meet by some landmark and missing an artist you wanted to see, why not just see where everyone is with Find My Friends. All you have to do is invite friends or family to share their location by tapping their contact or typing their email address. An Android clone of the same name is available here.

Available here: IOS

Wunderlist - IOS, Android (Free)

There are a multitude of list apps on both the App Store and the Google Play store, but Wunderlist is probably the strongest of the offerings. A to-do and task list, with sharing features, reminders, schedules and more - it's multiple-uses make it a must-own. From sharing your shopping list (Beer, crisps, nuts and maybe some more beer?) to noting artists to see again, Wunderlist makes remembering things that much easier.

Available here: IOS / Android

Below: The biggest and best London festivals of 2016

Ben Butler


An unapologetic lover of everything from UKG to garage rock, to anything indie or emo-orientated; Ben has been making up for lost time by going to just about any festival or gig he can sneak into since graduating from University. Having cut his teeth writing for forward-thinking publications like 1883 Magazine, The 405, Gigwise, Public Pressure, and Haptic World he has relished writing on music culture's most ridiculous, asinine qualities to its stratospheric heights. He can be found @Benjaminabutler where he'll be spouting nonsense on anything from the state of modern house music, to the UK festival scene and pop-punk bands or how bar tokens are the worst thing that has happened to live events, ever.

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