Daniel Melia

21:01 7th February 2006

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American duo Idiot Pilot lure you into a false sense of security for the first minute of ‘A Day In The Life Of A Poolshark’ mixing playschool electronic beats with a plethora of dreamy melodies. Then with expectations of four minute snore-athon filling your head they give you a frontal lobotomy and need you leaving about two thousand ibuprofen with the most insane mash up of hardcore and synthesizers your likely to hear this side of night out with Test Icicles. You see Idiot Pilot have deconstructed post-hardcore and reassembled it in some sort of haphazard fashion that boggles the mind: and the whole thing turns out to be completely brilliant. It soars and crushes in the same motion as the one pristine vocal duels with another of the screaming banshee variety. Guitars crash through the searing electro feedback and leave you breathless. It’s the kind of music you’ll loose a few brain cells to and feel all the better for it.

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