Continuing a collection of covers from the This Feeling community
17:00 11th May 2020

Walking into a This Feeling club night, you know exactly what to expect. But aside from energetic live shows and the whiff of Red Stripe, the solidarity that unites everyone involved is perhaps the most poignant piece of the This Feeling puzzle.

With no live shows this Spring due to COVID-19, Gigwise is bringing you a collection of covers from the bands who were meant to be performing for TF over the coming months. 

Harnessing their sense of community spirit, founder Mikey Jonns says of the collaborative project: “All these bands were due to play for us this Spring in grassroots venues and whilst clearly that's not happened, it hasn't stopped This Feeling band’s sense of community and spirit, as well as supporting the venues they were due to play (almost all are under threat). Stay at home, get in the zone and if you can please help save the UK's grassroots circuit by chipping in whatever you can. Mikey X”

Starting this new week, we welcome Suns Up and The Capollos to collaborate and cover each other. First up, Suns Up…

Gigwise: Tell us about the band you're covering…

Suns Up: We didn't know much about The Capollos before this, but shout out to This Feeling for hooking us up. If we're ever up on the east side of Scotland we'll be sure to catch up with them over a pint and hopefully share the stage at some point.

G: How has coronavirus impacted your plans? 

SU: We had a single due out late March and a This Feeling tour lined up. We'll be announcing the new date for the release soon, and our tour dates are pencilled in for July. Fingers crossed.

G: How have you adapted to the situation?

SU: We’ve used this time to write. We've got so many ideas in the pipeline and this is an opportunity to completely focus on writing the best music we can. We'll have a lot of new music coming out which we're really excited about. 

G: What’s your best This Feeling memory?

SU: We sold out our Big In 2020 show - it was mad.

G: What does 'The Zone' mean to you?

SU: Right now the zone is home. So it's making the most of it. Loads of instruments lying around, loads of plants and good food.

And over to The Capollos…

Gigwise: Tell us about the band you're covering…

The Capollos: I’d heard of Suns Up but we’d never dived into their music. We were quite surprised by how good the songs were. We enjoyed ‘Love You Back’ so decided to go for it!

G: How has coronavirus impacted your plans?

TC: We had a tour scheduled and some dates in our hometown so it’s scuppered them for the meantime. The Aberdeen gigs are now in August!

G: How have you adapted to the situation?

TC: We have just tried to keep active with the social media and tried to do covers when we can. For me (Kyle) it’s a time for writing again. What else are you gonna do?!

G: What’s your best This Feeling memory?

TC: Playing the sold out Unit 51 in Aberdeen. It was our homecoming gig that year and 500 people singing away to us was amazing. A memory to last forever.

G: What does 'The Zone' mean to you?

TC: It’s the McZone up our way. We love being apart of the buzz!

Photo: Jake Haseldine