In photos
15:41 22nd July 2021

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“I made myself known, asked a lot of questions, and kind of made a bit of nuisance of myself." That is what Karen Emanuel, Founder and CEO of Key Production group told us in her first interview for our special column in concert with Moving The Needle.

Supported by Key Production—and with Karen on its board of mentors—Moving The Needle is the latest project in a busy three decades for the company and its founder. Key Production has been producing vinyl, CDs and many more beautiful products, independently, since 1990. 

Here, as we continue to celebrate the many faceted roles of women in the music industry, and work to inspire more women to enter it, we present a gallery of photos from Karen Emanuel's and Key Production's first thirty years:

Learn more about Key Production | Learn more about Moving The Needle.


  • 1994, Karen, Lorna C, Carole and Anna at Hargrave Place office

  • 1995, Ash playing at KEY_s 5th birthday

  • 1995, Karen at Hargrave Place Office

  • 1995, KEY_s 5th birthday, Ash gig

  • 1997, Winter Wonderland Party 01

  • 1997, Winter Wonderland Party 02

  • 1997, Winter Wonderland Party 03

  • 1998, Anne, Kerri and Lisa

  • 1999, Kath

  • 1999, Kerry and Kath at Hargrave Place office

  • 1999, Party at Abbey road 01

  • 1999, Party at Abbey road 02

  • 2003, Lisa and Paul E. wedding

  • 2005, Rosealind and Paul at Jeffreys Place office

  • Lisa at a staff Christmas Party - year unknown

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