Perfect for a heatwave
Vicky Greer
11:49 23rd July 2021

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Welsh trio Public Order have today unveiled their debut single ‘Feels Like Summer’ on Tileyard Music. Following in the footsteps of Britpop acts and ‘90s Madchester, they're reviving danceable indie for a new audience.

They couldn’t really have picked a better time to release it, could they? On ‘Feel Like Summer’, you definitely get a sense of the artists who influenced them, but their own take has a distinctly modern edge. Merging the worlds of indie and dance, it’s a great track to celebrate going out again this summer.

Public Order explained ‘Feels Like Summer’: "Feels Like Summer is about not being a miserable bastard, life’s not that deep, stop making it deep and getting all in your feels about it. The tune's basically us giving ourselves a good talking to and saying 'get on with it cos it ‘Don’t get better than this’."

‘Feels Like Summer’ is out now on Tileyard Music

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Photo: Press