Their Good Buy EP is out now
Vicky Greer
12:24 23rd July 2021

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After a significant break from releasing music, Francobollo are back today with their new Good Buy EP and accompanying release day single ‘PayDay’. The EP was self-produced, recorded and mixed in their own recording studio.

The new single ‘PayDay’ starts off as a typical indie track but quickly evolves into something much bigger, maintaining their surreal, off-the-beaten-track sound. The EP tackles everything from consumerism and corruption to social media, ultimately saying farewell to these modern world views. The band explained it further:

"Good Buy is a Farewell to the corrupt, commercial world view that is driving our ideas, our narrative, conclusions and our culture. Planned obsolescence was, and is a real thing. Today, it feels like that idea has spread out like a virus and has infected everything from the movie industry to grandma’s over-sized I-pad. Is it a Good buy or Good bye?"

Good Buy EP is out today on Permanent Creeps Records.

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Photo: Press