A new study has revealed the true cost of wet weather on the festival industry.
A bit of rain, particularly if you live in the UK, is often part and parcel of the festival experience. But sometimes torrential downpours wreak more havoc than just a few wet sleeping bags.
According to a report from Parcel Hero, the wet summer of 2012 caused 57 festivals to go out of business, because they were unable to cope with the cost of addressing flooding or dealing with weather-related cancellations.
That means 5.9% of festivals that were due to take place that year went out of business because of the weather. Unsurpisingly, festivals that decide to brave severe weather conditions sell censurably fewer tickets on the day.
The news comes as Download Festival was hit with heavy flooding this weekend due to a torrential rainstorm.
See an early weather forecast for this month’s Glastonbury Festival here.