It's not the millenials buying vinyl in Urban Outfitters fuelling the resurgence
Sam Meaghan

09:33 12th August 2016

YouGov have conducted a new study which states that the people fuelling the resurgence of vinyl are most likely middle-aged and alone. 

Stoney Roads report that the pollsters have done research that suggests that even whilst the resurgence is well on its way, it's more because of sentimental introverts, than growing interest from the youth of today. 

YouGov state: "resurgence is rooted in middle-aged nostalgia. When compared to the adult population as a whole, those that have purchased a vinyl album recently are more likely to be aged between 45-54. By contrast, those in the 18-24 aged group are the least likely."

Unsurprisingly, the results have also said that two thirds of the demographic hold music as the highest priority in their lives. Claiming: "Two thirds (66%) of this group say they could not get through day without listening to music, compared to 49% of UK adults in general." Whilst the other third of vinyl buyers are believed to: "listen 'whenever they can' compared to 25% of over-18s overall."

The Guardian have also done some research into this themselves. With one writer standing outside vinyl shops in Soho, London. Their research found that most vinyl buyers are introvert men. Interestingly, though, The Guardian have earlier stated that an ICM Poll suggested that 50% of people who have bought a vinyl are yet to listen to it. 

The poll also discovered that vinyl buyers are "slightly more likely to both keep their feelings to themselves (56% vs. 53%) and enjoy being alone (69% vs 66%)". Which, considering they spend all their money on reprints, is no real surprise.