Lily Allen has faced another Twitterstorm for repeating homophobic language in a Tweet attacking Donald Trump.
While posting a link to a Gay Times article covering the filming of the video for an anti-Trump song at the Women’s March in London, Allen wrote “Fags hate trump”, quoting a slogan which appeared on a LGBTQ placard at the event.
Allen came under fire from several commenters for repeating the phrase, one user replying “Please don’t collectively call us ‘f**s’. Some of us don’t mind; but some of us hate it. Would you use the ‘N’ word collectively?”.
Piers Morgan also weighed into the furore, Tweeting “Congrats to @lilyallen who hates Trump for his use of bigoted rhetoric, but last night tweeted: 'Fags hate Trump.'”.
The video was filmed for Allen’s collaboration with Mark Ronson on a covr of Rufus Wainwright’s ‘Going To A Town’, from his 2007 album ‘Release The Stars’. The singer also compiled an anti-Trump playlist last week, called ‘He’s Got The Whole World, In His Tiny Hands’, featuring Green Day’s ‘American Idiot’ and LCD Soundsystem’s ‘North American Scum’.