- by Daniel Melia
- Tuesday, September 05, 2006
- filed in: Indie

On their latest double A-side offering The Violets have left behind visceral attack of last single ‘Descend’ and have instead taken on a broodier, atmospheric angle much akin to ‘Carnival’, the B-side last time out. The problem is that in this transition they’ve seemingly ditched the one trick that made them stand out - the rust encrusted, scatter gun riffs. ‘Hush Away’ is all very easy on the ear, treading the line between new romantic posturing and pre-goth mood swings, but we’re never truly engrossed or excited. ‘In This Way’ repeats the dose, the vocals piercing the mists of atmosphere inducing deadpan riffs but once again there is no real hook to draw us in and leave us wanting more. Sadly, it seems The Violets have lost their way.
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