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Spandau Ballet Deny They Are Reforming

Bucking the recent trend amongst old bands...

Spandau Ballet Deny They Are Reforming
Eighties pop act Spandau Ballet have done something un-heard of in the last few months, by confirming that they will NOT be re-forming.

Although the likes of Duran Duran and The Police have all recently hit the comeback trail Tony Hadley said: "I'm doing great without the band”

 "I know you should never say never and bands in the past have said hell would freeze over before they got back together, but in our case I think hell is frozen and we still wouldn't do it." He added.

The group have been on the warpath since three of the members, including Tony himself, failed in their bid to sue Gary Kemp for a share of the royalties. 

  • This report is rubbish. Gary Kemp tried to reform the band 2 years ago. It is only because Tony Hadley is incapable of taking respnsibility for his own foolish actions that SB will not reform. He is the only member of the band who does not want the reunion. As for him doing OK by himself, well Robbie Williams can and did say that about going back to Take That, however, Tony Hadley is hardly in the same league as Robbie.

    ~ by SB Fan 2/22/2007

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  • Tony Hadley? Name sounds familiar...but would the voice? Gary Kemp now HIM I remember, and Steve Norman and Martin Kemp. That’s about it though. Really Hadleys’ moaning about what happend ages ago is tiresome. It’s too bad he can’t get over himself enough to realise he’s not doing ok by himself.

    ~ by Still Listening to SB 2/23/2007

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  • Stick to your opinion Tony. You are doing perfectly on your own. Some people just don’t know what they are talking about it. Too much has happened, so I think you are damn right!!

    ~ by Tony Hadley Fan 2/26/2007

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  • The Band should reunite. Everyone has disagreements, it’s part of life. The mark of a man is being able to rise above it

    ~ by DPC 2/28/2007

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  • It’s s real shame what has gone on.My oppinion as a fan and musician is they have already tarnished the memory of a band that meant a lot to many people.That is why now perhaps it would be best to reform for one last tour and try and leave a good memory for the fans.

    ~ by span fan 6/3/2007

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