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Jet – ‘Shine On’ (Atlantic) Released 05/03/07

starstarno starno starno star
As usual it's hard not to listen to a Jet song without thinking of another. In 'Shine On' the band attempt a ballad, something which, especially with Jet is not their forte. Here 'Shine On' sounds like a cross between The Beatles and Oasis, yet, devoid of all of the best bits it’s in no way pleasant to listen to. The band it seems have ditched their rather popular rough production and here have gone for a more power ballad approach, yet as the choir enter they may have taken it a little too far. Tedious stuff.
  • Aye, tis shite.

    ~ by IceCreamMan | Send Message | 3/9/2007

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  • I think even Ruth’s been too kind. This is a monstrosity.

    ~ by robwatson | Send Message | 3/9/2007

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