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    Justin Hawkins Blames Racism For Eurovision Defeat

    Public are 'racist and stupid'...

    March 20, 2007 by Chris Taylor
    Justin Hawkins Blames Racism For Eurovision Defeat

    Justin Hawkins has claimed the British public must be either "racist or stupid" over his Eurovision defeat.

    The ex-Darkness frontman suggested the fact Scooch beat off his duet with black singer Beverlei Brown and dance act Big Brovaz had its roots in skin colour.

    He rants to The Sun, "The United Kingdom must be either racist or stupid not to have voted for Big Brovaz or Beverlei Brown.

    “It’s like when multi-award-winning, multimillion-selling Lemar lost to David ‘Three stars at Burger King’ Sneddon in Fame Academy all those years ago. Nothing ever changes.

    “The whole thing whiffed of a stitch-up.”

    Whilst we may concede Justin's definitely got a point over Lemar, the fact is Scooch had Eurovision stamped all over them, and his song and performance just wasn't very good!

    So don't be a bad loser!

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    • I’d agree that Hawkins wasn’t very good...but Big Brovaz (who I’ve never been a fan of)..were robbed. Easily the best performance.

      ~ by RVE 3/20/2007 Report

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    • Playing the race card at Eurovision - you’re a sad, lonely man Justin.

      ~ by the yak 3/20/2007 Report

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    • I don’t know what Justin is on about. He didn’t make it into the last two because his performance was awful and the song was not right. Even the Euro judges didn’t pick him. And why? Because prancing around the stage with a guitar he never played and singing off key falsetto would just be laughed off the stage at Eurovision. What a bad loser...

      ~ by wondervoice 3/20/2007 Report

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    • justin deserved this chance to win after all hes been through and hes worked so ****in hard to acheive all that he has hes not sad or lonley hes got more balls than anyone i know say what u want but i love this guy and thats what fans r 4 xxxxxxx

      ~ by biggest evr dnessfan 3/20/2007 Report

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    • we’re all humans...when you resort to anything racial, you have no point and should be burned for discriminating

      ~ by visiblenoise 3/20/2007 Report

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