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by Scott Colothan

Tags: Tapes n Tapes 

Tapes N Tapes Ready To Record New Album This Summer

The follow up to 'The Loon'...


Tapes N Tapes Ready To Record New Album This Summer Photo:

Tapes N Tapes have revealed that they are planning to hit the studio in June to record their second album.

The band hope that the follow-up to ‘The Loon’ will be with us by autumn. Frontman Josh Grier says they have a series of songs ready to commit to tape when they hit the studio in the summer.

In the interview with Billboard, Grier says that fans should not expect anything drastically different from their debut.

He said: "I think we always try to have each song be its own personality and its own sound so I'm sure there will be some stuff on there that doesn't have the same type of songs that we played before.

“That's what we always go for, to try out new stuff, so I think it'll sound like us. It's pretty much the same group of guys but I'm sure there's going to be, at least for us, a song writing growth."

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