‘Big gestures’ from Brighton’s indie favourites
Vicky Greer
10:55 24th March 2021

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Brighton’s HANYA have just released their new single ‘Lydia’. The song starts with some dreamy synth before electric guitars and drums join in to take it home.

‘Lydia’ is laidback and ethereal, continuing to grow in power as the song goes on. It is the band's first release of 2021 as they work on new music and plan a live tour. Each instrument is delicately layered so that every detail shines through here. Have a listen:

Lead singer Heather Sheret describes the process of making ‘Lydia’:

“‘Lydia’ started as a sweet acoustic number but kept getting bigger the more we played it. I think that’s the nature of things right now: big gestures only. This past year has involved a lot of contemplation, and so ‘Lydia’ was written about a chance to dwell on our memories and see people, situations and relationships in new light as time progresses. The reminder that rights and wrongs are ever-evolving, perspectives shift and over time you shape your own memories”.

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Photo: Jordan Rose