Breezy, reflective acoustic pop
Vicky Greer
13:34 25th June 2021

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Manchester’s Sorebae has just released his debut single ‘lilmore’, a fantastic introduction to the motivational musings of a new artist. The track comes with a self-directed nostalgic music video.

The lo-fi, acoustically driven single introduces Sorebae after a year of isolation, presenting his thoughts and experiences in song form. There’s something mysterious about Sorebae, like you should expect the unexpected in any upcoming releases that he shares. He describes his Sorebae project as “the guy who acts like he was the first person to enjoy Matisse, shows you his bookshelf and begs you to read J.D Salinger so you understand how he feels”.

Any fans of the lo-fi bedroom pop that’s capturing the hearts of a generation will enjoy this endearing debut.

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Photo: Sorebae