Half Doctor Who, half karaoke bar
Vicky Greer
15:39 20th July 2021

Australia’s Tropical Fuck Storm have returned with a new taste of their upcoming album Deep States, which arrives 20 August on Joyful Noise. It’s pretty chilled-out and melodic, without compromising the more delightfully bizarre elements of ‘New Agent Romeo’.

It comes with a music video set in what seems to be a deep-space karaoke bar, channelling the questionable special effects of old episodes of Doctor Who and the energy of a night out that’s gone a bit weird. Erica Dunn, who takes the lead on this song, explains the concept:

"Our love & death tragedy-ballad kicks off in the aftermath of Octavia Butler's short story Amnesty where a translator for the human race infiltrates an alien community Cold War Romeo agent style. Sent to collect secrets and glean intelligence, against all odds, the undercover spy falls in love.

As our human/alien inamorates connect in an intimate new language, they decide to make a run for it. We glimpse an oasis of hope in defiance of the violence and backstabbery of their masters. We imagine a tropical island of romance in an icy sea devoid of solar warmth. We look back on the spinning wheel of progress and feel that all the desperation, despair and heartache of the past could finally be worth it for this moment, a conquest of love! A clock striking for a new age! But, they get murdered. The end.”

‘New Agent Romeo’ is a refreshing offering from a band who aren’t afraid to go all out in concept and vision. Check out the music video here:

Deep States arrives 20 August on Joyful Noise

Deep States track list

  1. The Greatest Story Ever Told
  2. G.A.F.F.
  3. Blue Beam Baby
  4. Suburbiopia
  5. Bumma Sanga
  6. The Donkey
  7. Reporting Of A Failed Campaign
  8. New Romeo Agent
  9. Legal Ghost
  10. The Confinement Of The Quarks


Photo: Oscar O'Shea