A band ready for the big time
Vicky Greer
10:40 18th February 2022

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Brimming with energy from the very first seconds, ‘When it Comes To It’ is a strong message from FLOWVERS, the Portsmouth indie rock band who are ready for massive crowds. They might only have a few singles and demos EP in their back catalogue, but FLOWVERS are here to impress.

The new single is an imposing indie-rock anthem, polished beyond what we might expect from an up-and-coming band. FLOWVERS have a raw energy that’s just waiting to get out in front of a crowd for festival season.

They spoke about the meaning behind the song: ’When It Comes To It’ was pondered from the time when we were still under some lockdown restrictions and had just started writing all together again. We’d noticed a change, not only externally from the band, but we had this feeling that Covid-19 had made us much more aware. This awareness manifested itself into this song, a social critique on anyone who wasn’t ready to slip under the door and run outside as soon as the lockdown was lifted.”

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Photo: Ele Marchant