A continuation of her musical analysis of a Dalí painting
Jessie Atkinson
10:49 30th June 2022

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Berry Galazka is continuing to experiement with rock genres on her new single 'I Like Me, I Don't Like You' which is just as pop-punk as her last drop 'Woke Up, Chose Violence'.

Berry is an iconic fave of ours. In a Hello Tomorrow interview, she told us: “If you just let go, sit down and start writing, it all comes to you. Art is not a struggle. Art and creativity are life-giving.”

A continuation of her musical analysis of Salvador Dalí's Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening, 'I Like Me, I Don't Like You' focuses on the fish in the painting.

“Fish in water represent navigating one’s inner world. We avoid looking inside and facing our emotions for fear we will drown but it’s the opposite, like a fish in a bowl, the watery world is home and the only place we can breathe and find peace and answers. When we project onto others to feel better, it is an illusion, we are actually killing ourselves when we look for answers outside ourselves.”

Issue Four of the Gigwise Print magazine is on pre-order now! Order here.

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Photo: Henry Gorse