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Pete Doherty Condemns BNP Win In London Elections

Following his prison exit...

Babyshambles signer Pete Doherty has condemned the election of the BNP's Richard Barnbrook to the London Assembly. 

Barnbrook, who is BNP leader on Barking and Dagenham Council,  one of 25 seats on the Assembly at last week's local elections.

Speaking following his release from prison this morning, Doherty said “there will be no passage of evil through these isles without a proper, good struggle.”

“This island has always been a melting pot and  personally I am 100% mongrel in the great dog stew of history - Bona fide scouse, London Irish, jew Geordie BiloRussian.”

Doherty, who missed last week’s Love Music Hate Racism carnival because of his imprisonment, said that “closed borders are like closed minds”.

“Racism is upon us and let us not forget it is still within living memory that six million people died in gas chambers because of a hateful ideology,” he added.

The Love Music Hate Racism campaign will hold a protest against Richard Barnbrook's presence on the London Assembly tonight (May 6th) at City Hall from 6pm.

To see pictures from the Love Music Hate Racism carnival CLICK HERE.

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  • Well done Pete - I hope more people will speak out!

    ~ by Bob 5/6/2008

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  • junkie fuckwit - get back to jail you filthy druggie.

    ~ by steve 5/6/2008

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  • Yes, well said pete. We need more drugged up, rent-boy, heroin addict morons like you as role models. My kids look down on you for the piece of shit you are. Come round my house you scumsucker and I’ll give you a struggle. I will do the world a favour mate, trust me! Prick!

    ~ by Pete Twatterty 5/6/2008

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  • Ah yes what a great role model. Recently released from prison because despite being given many chances still chose to stick two fingers up to the people who trying to help him. By the way Pete, the holocaust has a much to do with the BNP as the murder of 60 million innocent people by the Communists has to do with you.

    ~ by Julian 5/6/2008

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  • Oh dear lets all take notice of the great role model to the youth of today, convicted druggie and all round mr nice guy, mr pete doherty, just let out of prison ,what a pillar of society you are when you join the real world pete and stop pumping yourself full of shit you may actually come out with something intelligent to say until that day kepp taking the tablets. i can’t work out why anyone has anything to do with this guy it sucks all creditability away that any organisation might have

    ~ by baz 5/6/2008

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