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Simple Plan Answer YOUR Questions

What do you get when you cross Simple Plan with a Gigwise Tuborg Webchat Wednesday? Well, as we found out last month, meltdown. So many fans logged in to speak to the band that the only people who weren’t able to sign in were the band themselves.

In order to make up for this, we got you to submit your questions which we then shipped over to America for Simple Plan to answer via video link.

Now Simple Plan fans, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Here, over the course of 15 funny and insightful minutes, the band answer your probing and testing queries.

We hope you enjoy what they had to say...

What did you think of Simple Plan's answers? Let us know by posting a comment at the bottom of the page

If you're experiencing problems viewing the video it may be your Firefox brower - please try Internet Explorer.

Click through below to see some amazing archive shots of Simple Plan from down the years

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  • Awesome!!! They are always so funny..love them!!! I was there when they filmed it in Berlin!!! =)

    ~ by Ani 5/19/2008

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  • where’s the link??

    ~ by lovelyj | Send Message | 5/19/2008

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  • Ur really nice to take the time to answer all those questions! thanks soooo much! snif snif... my question didn’t get answer... But whatever! u guys rocks!!! LOVE YA!

    ~ by mickitak 5/19/2008

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  • oooh, wicked interview :D i love them :] <3

    ~ by saarahh :] 5/19/2008

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  • thanks for posting it, i rekon one of the best things about SP(not counting the music) is that they really care bout their fans. and as always quite funny, hehe, keep rockin, nd i cant wait for u 2 come 2 the Uk again, gd luck with all ur other gigs XxXAnaXxX

    ~ by Imagination_Rocks 5/19/2008

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