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Jarvis Cocker Quizzes Johnny Wilkinson And Credit Crunch Analyst

On Today programme...

Jarvis Cocker Quizzes Johnny Wilkinson And Credit Crunch Analyst Add to My Fav Bands List

Jarvis Cocker put questions to former England rugby star Johnny Wilkinson and an economic analyst during a guest appearance on the Today Programme recently.

The former Pulp frontman was one of a host of names asked to edit the BBC Radio 4 show during the festive holidays.

Among the highlights of Cocker's show was his analysis of the global financial crisis.

Following an interview with city commentator David Buik at Canary Wharf, Cocker admitted that he had failed to understand the severity of the credit crunch – and “why our lives have to go to pot because of something we had very little involvement in or control over.”

But he added: “I did like David Buik, he wasn't the aggressive Gordon Gecko type I was expecting at all.

“Although I did find the idea that we are all equally to blame for the current crisis a bit rich. Ok, maybe you are a bit overdrawn, but when was the last time you accidentally lost $10 billion?"

Meanwhile, Cocker provided his own description of quantum physics during a discussion with Wilkinson – who has a keen interest in the science.

"One way that people may be familiar with it may be through watching televised sport,” he told Wilkinson.

“That feeling you get when your favourite team is playing, you switch on a match half way through and maybe they are winning one nil, and then five minutes later the other team score... and then five minutes later they score again. And you think, if only I hadn't turned the TV on, they'd still be winning."

Novelist Zadie Smith, Sir Win Bischoff, chairman of Citigroup, and the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales also edited special editions of the Today programme.

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