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Jay-Z Offers Rihanna His Support Following Alleged Chris Brown Attack

The rapper speaks...

Jay-Z Offers Rihanna His Support Following Alleged Chris Brown Attack Add to My Fav Bands List

Jay-Z says has urged the public to support Rihanna after being allegedly attacked by her boyfriend Chris Brown.

The rapper, who discovered Rihanna in 2004, says he doesn't want to get drawn into making 'soundbites' commenting on the alleged incident, but did say 20-year-old Rihanna needs all the support she can get.

He told Hollywoodscoop that he refused to pass direct comment on the issue because: "It's not a soundbite, this is a real situation. You have to have compassion for others. Just imagine it being your sister or Mom and then think about how we should talk about that."

However, he continued: "I just think we should all support her. She's going through a tough time. You have to realise she's a young girl, as well. She's very young."

As reported earlier today, Chris Brown has issued a public apology and says he is undergoing counselling to help change his ways.

The Pre-Grammy Awards party:

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  • we dont know the whole story. she might have deserved it. why jump and blame chris brown!!

    ~ by tina 2/16/2009

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  • Since when does any woman deserve to be beaten Tina?

    ~ by Subversive 2/16/2009

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  • By that logic since when does anyone deserve to be beaten?

    ~ by Dard 2/16/2009

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  • No 1 deserves to be beaten ..

    ~ by N 2/16/2009

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  • If Chris Brown doesn't get help now, we might be reading about him killing somebody in a yr or two. He has to control his anger...he's too young to be that violent......

    ~ by thinking positive 2/16/2009

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