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Bob Dylan Facing Toilet Trouble At Malibu Home

Neighbours complain about smell...

Bob Dylan Facing Toilet Trouble At Malibu Home Add to My Fav Bands List

Bob Dylan has become embroiled in a row over an outdoor toilet at his home in Malibu, California.

Local residents claim the portable waste facility is creating a nauseous odour which is wafting into neighbouring gardens.

"It's a scandal - 'Mr. Civil Rights' is killing our civil rights," David Emminger, one of Dylan's neighbours, told The LA Times.

Mr Emminger, whose home is downwind of the toilet, has fitted five industrial sized fans in his garden in an attempt to keep the smell away.

Cindy Emminger added that both she and the couple's 8-year-old son had become ill because of the stench.

"We both have allergies and are sensitive to chemicals," she said.

"I finally noticed that they had moved the porta-potty directly in front of my front door."
Dylan, who has lived on Point Dume for twenty years, has so far ignored complaints from locals.

Police officials confirmed they were investigating a complaint but refused to comment any further.

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