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Lady Gaga Reveals Beatles Inspiration Behind 'The Fame'

And she compares them to the Jonas Brothers...

Lady Gaga has revealed that the inspiration behind many of her songs was The Beatles, and even compared the Jonas Brothers to the Fab Four.

Speaking about her love for the 60s legends, Gaga told The Daily Star: "I don't know if anyone knows this about me but when I wrote 'The Fame' I listened to The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' obsessively.

“I had it on repeat for probably about six months. It's so incredibly brilliant - an innate sense of joy - they really had that down. It's full of joy with a hat of tips to the melancholy."

She also claims that the band also help liberate women sexually, adding: "Without The Beatles I don't think women would be taking their cardigans off in hallways.

"They were responsible for the birth of the sexual revolution for women. Now we have the Jonas Brothers representing the return of the superfan."

Lady Gaga in Chicago

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  • @Gigwise He's also clashing with all other albums. Maybe he should just delay all musical activity indefinitely?
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