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Amy Winehouse Is A 'Reptilian', Says Former St Lucia Government Official

He has harsh words for the singer...

June 18, 2009 by Scott Colothan | Photo by Splash News

Amy Winehouse has been dubbed a “reptilian” by a former government official of St Lucia.

In a column in the St Lucia Star newspaper, ex spin doctor Jeff Fedee also said Wino was corrupting the youth of the Caribbean island.

He blasted: "I had also been perplexed by the number of St Lucians going public to express sympathy and tolerance to the nauseating antics of Amy Winehouse in St Lucia.

"I had dutifully trekked to Pigeon Point during the Jazz Festival to see how our tax dollars were being wasted, because evidently to our Tourism officials a notorious reputation for obnoxious behaviour and not necessarily musical ability was the main criteria for including Amy Winehouse in the Jazz line-up.

"For me it was a stomach churning experience to witness a reptilian looking character with a skeleton frame, staggering onto the stage, barely fitting into what appeared to be a size zero dress, cut just above an unsightly crotch. I thought Amy Winehouse should be locked up, be put in compulsory rehab and force fed to put some flesh on her insect frame."

Clearly enraged, Feddee continued: "On current form, none of her songs will be remembered one year from now. A career destined to bomb spectacularly. The notoriously fickle public will soon tire of her louche behaviour.

"Those who sing the praises of Amy Winehouse are missing the point: he is not a good model for St Lucian citizens, particularly the youth, despite the music. And the effrontery of this character who reminds me of a tattooed reptile, offering to help St Lucian youth when it is Winehouse who needs help," reports WENN.

Amy Winehouse in St Lucia:

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  • HAHA, Quality!!

    ~ by NONONO 6/18/2009 Report

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  • Could be good news for her if the remake of V is on!

    ~ by MMJ 6/19/2009 Report

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