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Amy Winehouse Throws Bizarre Moves Getting Fit In St Lucia

See Wino as you've never seen her before...

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2009
  • Photo by: Splash News

Having told the press that she's kicked the drugs since decamping for an extended holiday to St Lucia, Amy Winehouse has now started a health kick on the Caribbean island involving bizarre Exorcist-esque stretches and working out on gymnastic rings. Click through to see the singer as you've never seen here before...

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  • not really 2000x fuckin' important, ugly, bad, artist to be exposed

    ~ by Fuck This Whore 1/14/2009

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  • "bizarre Exorcist-esque stretches"?????? she's stretching, get over yourselves. you're trying to make news where there isn't any. spare us

    ~ by winky 1/14/2009

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  • why dont people leave amy alone amy is a very beautiful girl give her a chance

    ~ by david alder 1/15/2009

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  • she look absulutly gorguus hope she keeps it up all year 2009 adn beyond!

    ~ by francesca 1/24/2009

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  • She's just doing yoga.

    ~ by confused 1/31/2009

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  • @Gigwise Hmm, there might be some technical reason they're doing them in a particular order. Christ knows.
    benyacobi on Sat Jul 04 21:54:10 via TweetDeck
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  • @Gigwise It's because the only way they could get Dave Rowntree to play the drums was to hypnotise him. Too strenuous otherwise, poor chap.
    benyacobi on Fri Jul 03 19:36:07 via TweetDeck
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