All tickets for the Rage Against The Machine free gig in Finsbury Park have now completely gone.
Over 120,000 Rage fans registered for the chance to go to the to the 40,000 capacity victory show on June 6th, leaving two-thirds of people disappointed.
A number of Gigwise readers have voiced their frustration at not getting through when the ticket lottery opened at 9am this morning.
One, 'Fragmented', said: “What a joke! I registered and tried for two and a half hours to get a ticket. The site kept timing out and then eventually when I connected it tells me all the tickets have been allocated.
“Hardly a fair system if you cannot even connect in the first place. Two and a half wasted hours refreshing my browser for nothing and I live next door to Finsbury Park.”
Another, Natalie, simply said: “Couldn't get on - never mind - there's always Download.”
Did you manage to get Rage tickets or were you left empty handed? Post your comments below.
Rage Against The Machine live: