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    Noel Gallagher talks 'crazy' Paraguay fans and cow drama

    High Flying Birds star reveals high speed chase nearly ended in bovine tragedy

    May 10, 2012 by Michael Baggs | Photo by
    Noel Gallagher talks 'crazy' Paraguay fans and cow drama

    Noel Gallagher has spoken of his recent Paraguay tour, likening one experience on the road to a 'stunt driving scene from a James Bond movie'.

    In a blog for the Huffington Post UK, the High Flying Birds star speaks of being chased by fans down a dual carriageway and a run-in with a cow in the middle of the road.

    ‘So we set off in a convoy of sorts," he tells the website, "Three vans, security guards armed to the teeth in unmarked cars, police in off road vehicles sirens wailing and some on motorbikes which looked like they may have been brand spanking new at some point in the 80's - closely followed by crazy fans in a separate convoy of private cars and taxis; It quickly turned into some kind of stunt driving chase scene from a James Bond movie.

    "The faster we went the faster these kids went. Each time we hit traffic (quite literally I might add!) and slowed down to a crawl these kids jumped out of their cars and surrounded mine banging on the roof and waving random memorabilia like they were some kind of religious artifacts.

    "At one point we were hurtling up some kind of dual carriageway and a ****ing cow just appeared in the middle of the road. A F***ING REAL COW just casually out for a stroll! We skidded right up to it's gloriously gormless bonce as it give us that look that cows do and mooed at us as if to say - "watch your speed gringo!’"

    This is not the first time Gallagher and cows have hit the headlines, having previously told how he hoped to take his children to Ireland to visit family and 'throw stuff at cows'.

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