Keith Richards met Justin Bieber over the New Year holiday period and was less than impressed with the 'Baby' singer.
According to US Weekly, the Rolling Stones guitarist and Bieber crossed paths on Parrot Cay island in Turks and Caicos. A 'source' explained: “There was an old guy,” later identified as the 71-year-old Richards, “throwing back drinks who said, ‘Who the f*** are you?’” to the 20-year-old star.
In response, Bieber hit back with: "I don't know, who the f*** are you?" which left Richards amused to say the least.
Later, having realised he had dissed a rock legend, the troubled star tried to "bro down with him", the source says. Richards apparently came out with this acidic remark: "Let's get one thing straight. You're a wannabe".
Despite this, the pair are said to have swapped numbers, with Bieber saying he was "delighted" to meet the star.