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40 Movie Soundtrack Songs We Love To Hate

From the cheesy charmers to the hideously awful...

  • Tuesday, June 24, 2008

From the hilariously naff to the gut-wrenchingly turgid, Gigwise unveils the top 40 movie songs that we love to hate. Some of them are so cheesy that you will probably have a lot of affection for, while others are so bad we'd prefer to bury them in the darkest recesses of our brains. Click through and enjoy!

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  • She’s Like The Wind is an amazing song!

    ~ by Angie 6/24/2008

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  • will you be there is a beautiful song

    ~ by jen 8/5/2008

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  • ha i like will you be there. i hate that movie though. haha

    ~ by Dannica 8/22/2008

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  • "Will You Be There" is one of the most beautiful songs of all time from the best artist of all time !

    ~ by Cathy 10/22/2008

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  • "leaves us cold as the Arctic sea." Gosh such a hearted music like that and u say the song is cold, too much better you say you don't like Mike than do this b'coz there's no a plausible explanation to hate this song.

    ~ by Alan 10/25/2008

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