The Beatles photo celebrates a landmark...

12:32 7th August 2009

Exactly 40 years ago on Saturday (August 8), John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison stepped out in unison onto the zebra crossing outside Abbey Road Studios in North London. History was made. The photograph, taken by Iain MacMillan, became one of the most famous, parodied and talked-about album covers of all time when 'Abbey Road' was released the following month. Here Gigwise takes a look at the parodies and celebrity mimics of the legendary album cover in celebration of its 40 years...

  • In November 2002, Rolling Stone Magazine released three parody magazine covers under the headline 'The Simpsons Make Rock History'. As well as the above Abbey Road parody, Simpsons creator Matt Groening also aped Nirvana's 'Nevermind' and Bruce Springsteen's 'Born In The USA'.

  • OAP group The Zimmers shuffle along Abbey Road after recording their charity single, a cover version of The Who's 'My Generation' in the studios.

  • Towards the end of Danny Boyle's 1996 movie Trainspotting, the four hapless characters cross a London street in unison on their way to sealing a £20,000 heroin deal. Although they're crossing the road in the opposite way, it's an overt homage to Abbey Road.

  • Argentinian comedy group Longua de Trapo unleashed this slightly dark parody cover for their 2000 live album 'Vinte e Um Anos na Estrada'. Nice.

  • Probably the most bizarre parody on the list comes from the Jewish monks The Friars Of The Community Of St. Saviour's Monastery. Weird.

  • Another Argentinian band obsessed with The Beatles are Kapanga on their album 'Un Asado en Abbey Road'. Lovely dangling sausages.

  • In the cult comedy series The Young Ones, a 1982 episode called 'Boring' sees Rick, Mike, Vyvyan and Neil cross a London street Abbey Road-style.

  • Kanye West's 2006 live album 'Late Orchestration' featured a cover directly parodying Abbey Road with The Beatles replaced by the rapper's mascot bear.

  • Paul McCartney himself even took to mimicking 'Abbey Road' with his 1993 album 'Paul Is Live'. We're not sure what the Old English Sheepdog is all about though.

  • A collection of songs from the kids TV show, 'Sesame Road' was released in 1993. We reckon Oscar The Grouch is the spitting image of Paul McCartney – the likeness is uncanny.

  • Easily the funniest musical 'Abbey Road' parody is Red Hot Chili Peppers' 'The Abbey Road EP'. All four band members are stark bollock naked except for socks covering their genitalia.

  • Controversial children's cartoon Ren & Stimpy mimicked Abbey Road in 1993 with an compilation album of music from the show.

  • The pastiche band The Rutles – featuring Eric Idle and – parodied The Beatles's album covers on a string of fictional releases. This is perhaps our favourite, the aptly titled 'Shabby Road'.

  • Even Jive Bunny and the Mix Masters got into 'Abbey Road' parody game with this 2001 album.

  • German Beatles tribute act The Punkles and their 2006 album 'For Sale'

  • A hideous album called 'Immer Geradeaus' by German country & western band Truck Stop. An insult to The Beatles album we're sure you'll agree.

  • A Lego re-enactment of the Abbey Road cover. The attention to detail is damn impressive.

  • KISS rocker Gene Simmons and his family do the tourist thing and cross Abbey Road whilst in London in 2007.

  • 'Snoopy's Classiks: Beatles' from July 2000 which features the cartoon characters singing such classiks (sic) as 'Here Comes The Sun', 'Blackbird' and 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds'

  • Limited to just 1,000 copies, this brilliant version of United Nations' 2008 eponymous album has quickly become a collector's item. It never appeared in stores, however, as it was in breach of copyright of the Iain Macmillan shot.

  • Booker T. & The M.G.'s released 'McLemore Avenue', a largely instrumental album of Beatles covers just a year after 'Abbey Road' came out. The cover itself is more of a homage than a parody – we assume they couldn't afford the plain tickets to London.

  • Unlike their ridiculous name, Percewood's Onagram's Abbey Road parody on their 1971 album 'Lessons for Virgins' is surprisingly subtle.

  • 1974's 'Soulful Road' by New York City is one of few Abbey Road cover parodies that switches the direction of those walking across the zebra crossing.

  • The video to Blur's 1994 anthem 'Parklife' which sees Phil Daniels' car almost crash into the band members as they cross a zebra crossing in homage to Abbey Road

  • Showing their humorous side, these scientists posed on Abbey Road for the 1994 edition of the 'Molecular Biology of the Cell' textbook. Crazy guys.

  • Screaming Afterbirth: 'Split with Methadone Abortion Clinic' – Just like their name and album title, this cover is horrific. Switching John Lennon for Osama Bin Laden meant this 2006 EP was also highly controversial.