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by Victoria Goldsmith

Tags: Captain 

Captain - 'This Is Hazelville' (EMI) Released 14/08/06

we are drawn more to the rather novel packaging than the music contained within...



Captain - 'This Is Hazelville' (EMI) Released 14/08/06 Photo:

Darlings of Radio 1's Steve Lamacq and Zane Lowe, Captain describe their music as "hopeful, emotional and euphoric", which, we think, is rather a lot for their debut album to live up to.  Proclaiming to "only sound like Captain", frontman Flynn isn't giving us much to go on as we delve into the first of 11 tracks. 

Title number 'Hazelville' boasts a hauntingly beautiful intro, before kicking the song into life with crashing drums and impressive boy/girl harmonies. Somewhat short of the anthemic status this song seems to try for, it is, however, a solid testiment to their self proclaimed "epic pop" sound.  Forthcoming single 'Glorious' celebrates summer in all it's uplifting, jingle jangly goodness, declaring that they just "don't want this night to stop". There's a kind of lazy urgency building throughout this little ditty, which plays off cleverly with the female harmonies sporadically about the place.
Finally allowed to take centre stage, all be it all too briefly, female vocalist Szembek is granted temporary solo status to prove she knows her compass points on 'East West North South'. First ever release 'Frontline' (no, not an advert for flea and tick control for your moggie!) edges towards a blander version of early Idlewild. The semi-catchy whispering melody goes some way to redeeming the song, but by now, the constant harmonies are seeming tired. Poetic and reflective 'Build A Life' is a beautifully sweeping song with philosophical lyrics and an intensity previously hidden from their other material. The dirty, pulsating drum beats opening 'Wax' promises some excitment, but fails miserably as the predictable harmonising barges in and we suddenly realise how droney Flynn has become. Oh, and he's singing about how he's "not leaving". A masked threat, maybe?
Album highlight has to be the equally soaring and sinister T'his Heart Keeps Beating For Me', which kicks in with much needed vitality by this point. Rules for life, perhaps, as the provokative lyrics touch on the fleetingness of life, and how we shouldn't take it all that seriously anyway. This five piece are certainly good at what they do - sweeping, soaring and - lets not forget - harmonsing, but after a whole album's worth with just one or two sparkling tracks, we are drawn more to the rather novel packaging than the music contained within.

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