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by Jonathan Geddes

Tags: GoodBooks 

GoodBooks - ‘The Illness’ (Columbia) Released 07/05/07



GoodBooks - ‘The Illness’ (Columbia) Released 07/05/07 Photo:

GoodBooks have quickly earned a reputation for producing smart, catchy pop and ‘The Illness’ is in the same vein. A jerky and fuzzy effort, this is driving post punk being swallowed up by pure pop. Leo von Bülow-Quirk’s drumming provides a continuous strike behind it while Max Cooke’s choppy guitar flourishes, giving the impetus for the track to soar into a storm of noise. Sadly, the same can’t be said for Cooke’s vocals, which are already heading for love it or hate it territory. He sounds rather laid back, as if he’s just roused himself from a nice, lengthy nap to sing. It doesn’t detract too much but it doesn’t suit the whirling tune that’s being produced.

While ‘The Illness’ is a solid track it isn’t nearly as memorable as hoped, lacking that essential ingredient to make it stand out. As GoodBooks go this is an enjoyable if slender paperback pot-boiler instead of the hefty masterpiece they could yet produce.

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