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by Vicky Eacott

Tags: Do Me Bad Things 

Monday 26/10/04 Do Me Bad Things, Mellowtrone, Fans Of Kate @ Barfly, London



Monday 26/10/04 Do Me Bad Things, Mellowtrone, Fans Of Kate @ Barfly, London Photo:

Fans Of Kate were a loud, americanised rock band.  Complete with "cool" haircuts and emo mic hugs: they are the kind of drivel the teenage MTV2 viewers will lap up.

A far more interesting bunch were Mellowtrone. Playing dark but danceable tunes, they touched upon the Interpol reference point a couple of times in their set, which is certainly no bad thing.  They score extra points for handing out free CDs and delivering a cracking rendition of Moon River.

Finally Do Me Bad Things started to trickle on stage.  It was a wonder the nine of them fitted on, but indeed they accomplished it.  Just about.  Suddenly the mighty riffs of 'Time For Deliverance' explode out of the speakers, Nicolai cutting shapes like the bastard hybrid of Jake Shears, Mick Jagger and Marilyn Manson.  (Yeah, that was a really sloppy comparison but you get the general idea.)  It was a risky move getting the most well-known track out of the way first thing - aren’t bands meant to tease the audience a bit first?  Initial fears of risk soon disappeared as the set continued with the realisation of the complete genius of this move.  From the first note that came out the speakers until the last the band had the audience in the palm of their hands: hands clapping, heads nodding and grins firmly in place.

Do Me Bad Things truly are a superb live band.  Hey, why settle for going to a metal gig, a goth gig, a soul gig, or a pop gig?  Don’t you know you can experience all of these things? At once! IN YOUR FACE GENERIC PURISTS! UP YOURS MUSIC PIGEON-HOLERS! Do Me Bad Things and their complete disregard for any rules or formulas are where it’s at.
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