A truly convincing show
Melanie Kaidan
12:37 4th July 2021

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All the power that seems to have been muted in Mosa Wild’s recorded output comes out during their live show. Their sold-out Lafayette gig proves that they can be so much more than just tranquil music. Their talent is complemented by oodles of charisma, seen in how frontman Jim Rubaduka and guitarist Alex Stevens crack a joke or two between songs.

The shiny new yet cosy venue makes for the perfect sit-down concert. One song that seems to pleasantly surprise everyone (and build up the atmosphere) is 'Cry Baby'. Played halfway through the set, 'Cry Baby' leaves everyone looking like they're enjoying themselves after some even belt the lyrics.

Another standout is 'Smoke', which the group play as their encore: it seems only right that they play what is by far their most popular song at the close of the show. Boasting more than 11 million streams on Spotify, 'Smoke' ends the gig on a high note. The warmth of the easy-going track contrasted with Rubaduka’s husky vocals which echo through the venue.

Overall, Mosa Wild's concert proves that they are capable of so much more. So much so, that seeing them live could be a defining moment for the unconvinced listener.

See a gallery of photos from the show by Colin Hart below:

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Photo: Colin Hart