Time passes much like birds migrating for the winter; caught briefly between the flitter of an eyelash before disaggregating into specs of dust. It wasn’t that long ago that Simian Mobile Disco rose like a particularly well plucked phoenix from the decidedly downtrodden indie ensemble that was ‘Simian’; thanks in large part to that ‘remix,’ many a hearts were opened to the dynamic duality of James Ford and Jas Shaw. Since, they’ve hit the road with the (now full time) mobile discotheque namesake, tongue firmly planted in arse cheek of course! New single ‘Hustler’ is the PVA glue which loosely holds forty minutes worth of free styling (courtesy of New Yawk’s Char Johnson) together by its threads. It’s in the Daft Punk electro flickers, and the flawed bleeps and blips, that SMD make their mark on a superfluous canvas like decorative blood spots. Shame it’s a re-release mind; this blood’s dried.
Released 26/11/07 on Wichita.
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